The following is roughly an hour long workout that seeks to mobilize muscles from your ankles to your shoulders and everything in between. After about 45 minutes of mobility and stretching, the workout concludes with 10-15 minutes of full body strength work. 

**If you have chronic health concerns, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the following, to make sure that exercise is right for you! **


Supine Mobility- 2 x 20 s. Each

  • Deep Breathing (1x)
  • Knee to Chest w/ ankle rolls
  • Can Openers (L/R)
  • Semi-Circles (L/R)
  • Glute Bridge + Thoracic Reach
  • Dead Bugs
  • Rock and Rollers

Quadruped Mobility

A.  2 x 20 s. each

  • Fire Hydrants (L/R)
  • Hip Rolls
  • Hip Circles (L/R)
  • Hockey Stretches (Tall/Low)

B. 2 x 20 s. Each 

  • "Where's My Shoes"
  • T-Spine Extensions (L/R)
  • Cat/Cows
  • ½ Kneeling Arm Circles (L/R)

C. 2 x 20 s. Each

  • Pigeons (Static Hold) (L/R)
  • ½ Adductor Stretch (L/R)
  • Push-Up Position Spiders (L)
  • Bird Dogs (L/R)
  • Push-Up Position Spiders (R )
  • Downward Dog

Standing Mobility

A.  2 x 20 s. each

  • Knee Hug 
  • Toes in Toes Out
  • Quad Pull + Opp. Arm Reach
  • Figure 4's
  • Reverse Lunge Twist

B. 2 x 20 s. Each

  • Open the Gates
  • Punters
  • Close the Gates
  • BW Squats
  • Windmills
  • World's Greatest Stretch + Neck Roll

Total Body Strength 

A. 2 x 20 s. ON/ 10 s. OFF

  • Squat + Reverse Lunge (L)
  • Push-Up + Lateral Crawl
  • Squat + Reverse Lunge (R )
  • Jumping Jacks/Seal Jacks/Run in Place

B. 2 x 20 s. ON/10s. OFF

  • RKC Plank- Feet Moving
  • Side Plank (Top Leg Abducted)
  • Reverse Crunch + Hip Drive
  • Cool Down Stretch

If this workout interests you, please e-mail: for details on how to receive more information on individualized workouts! 

Yours in Fitness and Health,


Your Final Reward Will Be Heartache and Tears, If You've Cheated the Guy in the Glass.