1. Three things you're grateful for this first week of November? 

*The two Bible studies I'm in. One on Mondays in the book of 2 Timothy and a ladies Bible Study on Thursdays in 1st and 2nd Kings on Trusting God. Both are real good and I'm thankful for the teachers and the content of the studies.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."

2 Kings: 18:5-7 "He trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel, so that there was none like him among all the kings of Judah after him, nor among those who were before him. For he held fast to the LORD. He did not depart from following him, but kept the commandments that the LORD commanded Moses. And the LORD was with him; wherever he went out, he prospered.

*Dear painted our storage closet and that involved emptying it out and then organizing things better when we put the stuff back in.  We were able to transfer stuff to my garage instead of keeping it in the house. Neat and tidy for now! Here's a peek in the door. I'll show more photos at another time.

*Thankful that we can trust in God especially while the world is going down the wrong path.

2. Is Daylight Savings Time a thing where you live? Do you think we should continue setting the clocks forward and back? Why or why not? If you could add an extra hour to your day would you want it added morning-noon-night? Do you think it likely you'd be more productive or more likely that you'd just waste more time? 
Yes, the manipulation of the clocks is a thing here. I think we should leave well enough alone. It just messes with our internal clocks. Given the choice I'd take an extra hour in the morning. I am more productive in the morning for sure. I'm more productive when in a pinch so the extra time would probably be easier to waste.
3. Who is  your favorite author? Your favorite book by your favorite author? 
I don't think I can narrow it down to just one. I have different favorites in different genres.
In the world of fiction: George MacDonald ~ Sir Gibbie
Fiction: Elizabeth Goudge ~ The Dean's Watch
and Historical Fiction: Stephen Lawhead ~ Byzantium
In the world of fantasy: J.R.R. Tolkien ~ Lord of the Rings (3 volumes) and C.S. Lewis: Narnia Series
Christian Authors: Devotionals: Any by Charles H. Spurgeon, Doctrinal books: by John MacArthur ~ The Gospel According to Jesus and by Alistair Begg ~ Pathway to Freedom
4. It's National Sandwich Day...will you celebrate? How often do you eat a sandwich? What's your favorite? 

We don't eat sandwiches regularly anymore. The last sandwich I had was a turkey sandwich. I love a good Salami sandwich and a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich, too.

5. Have you started your Christmas shopping? If so when did you start? If not when will you start? Do you give more or fewer gifts than you did five years ago? 

We bought some small things on our trip across the U.S.A. in September. In October we bought a couple more gifts. We give more gifts now than 5 years ago because we have two grandchildren now!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Fun times in October!

Our grandkids and our daughters-in-law enjoying all the sunshine they can get. We all love it when Auntie Lolo comes to visit. These are all photos that she took.