I have to be honest, I feel like I should be playing Taylor Swift while I write this.

Not sure if I should go with "You Need to Calm Down Lyrics":

"And we see you over there on the internet
Comparing all the girls who are killing it
But we figured you out
We all know now, we all got crowns
You need to calm down"

Or maybe from "Shake it Off":

"And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate"

Yes, shocking as it might seem, I actually like Taylor Swift and as a lyricist she is a genius at times. It's like she sings what people are thinking.

So why the lyrics? Well I am taking a minute because it has been a day or two.

I am a blogger (d'oh, I know you love when I restate the obvious) and that makes people uncomfortable. Men and woman.

Woman think I am going against some adult woman code by actually speaking my mind. I can't do that, they say. They want me to be like them, in all their Stepford glory and limited comfort level.

Nope, life doesn't work that way and I never liked cliques. Ask my high school friends and sorority sisters. If that's your speed, that's quite all right, it's just not my jam.

Now the men, they can be a little more tricky. My opinions make some really uncomfortable. I have never understood that.

How does my opinion threaten their world and masculinity? Why do they feel the need to "school" me? Don't they have enough to do at home? Or did they just peak in high school and haven't gotten over their varsity blues?

So this week a couple of things. I went back to CVS to get some answers about our local stores. I don't get paid for this, don't have to do it, but as a CVS customer I wanted answers and shared with my community.

One would think they could just say thanks for the information or better yet, say nothing at all. I ended up closing down posts a couple of places I posted because for some strange reason it became the mission of some of these man children (and "ladies") to just berate me:

How I was entitled to my opinion, but not entitled to spin things and and deceive people on reality. (Whatcha talking about Willis? Not opinion, but information provided to me by CVS.) Oh and because I shut down comments on my post because I didn't feel like endless bits of this dude's bullsheit I didn't have the facts (as he saw them.)

Of course this guy then took to private messaging me so he could just keep spewing. According to him he had the right to do so and it wasn't invading my privacy by sending unsolicited messages, I was invading everyone else's privacy by posting on social media in general. (Yes you have to love pretzel logic combined with mansplaining.) Before I figured out how to just block him he was crowing with his pyrrhic victory "I am surprised by how many people are on to you!!! You are so busted! You really lost this one!! Ha" (I am confused. What did I lose? All I did was relay information told to me so how do you figure?)

Then there were the women. They just wanted to complain some more and correct me. Ladies, it's not a competition, never was. And of course there was the one who had to know what was going on but couldn't see because I blocked her. She was positively gleeful to hear people being miserable to me. (The funny thing is I don't know her, and hadn't remembered that I blocked her. I just don't feel like dealing with some of these people so I just block them. It makes it out of sight, out of mind. A social media dusting so to speak. Clean and toss the rag, the dirt is gone like magic.)

Then there was some other thing. This guy who crops up here and there. He likes to trash talk me, usually behind my back. This time it was to my face. He went to high school with a guy who also doesn't like me for whatever reason. That one doesn't say anything to me, last time I saw him somewhere I said hello and was polite (because that is how I was raised) and he basically just grunted and scowled, which is fine because they don't matter. So if they don't matter to me, why am I so fascinating to them? And do I really know them? Nope, never have. It's like they just decided to hate me on principle, but based upon what in reality, who knows?

Oh and what was the other thing that sent so many into a swivvet? Oh yeah my opinion on OTB (Off Track Betting) and casinos in communities. I think they are like dancing with the devil because they bring a lot of negative with them. Actually, you don't have to believe me. If you know anyone in law enforcement who deals with the by-products of these establishments in communities, they will tell you. Plenty share my opinion on these establishments, and some don't. And those who disagree but maintain respect for the opinion of someone other than themselves is completely fine, but then there are the others. They can't have a conversation, they have to verbally pummel others. It's crazy.

I don't understand why these people feel the need to behave like this towards me or anyone else on social media. Male or female they need to get over themselves. Or they need to stop the world as it revolves around them personally...you know so the rest of us can get off?

It's almost Thanksgiving, do we think they can tamp down the hypocrisy and harping and just try being normal? Or is that asking too much? Will they be posting at a fever pitch on Thanksgiving Day as well?

Whatever, just thought I would take a moment to address the armchair critics. Bottom line? They can keep doing them, that's all they know, bless their hearts. (And they hate when I say THAT too which makes me say it more.)

Thanks for stopping by.