We have had Alice stuck at home isolating with Covid. She hasn't suffered too badly but we didn't want her infecting anyone else. That combined with the weather has meant I haven't really been out in the garden. So this week is going to be a quick look at a few houseplants. Alice is quite enjoying being at home. I've stayed off with her part the time and mum the other half. We've kept up home learning like we did during lockdown to keep routine and avoid boredom. She's writing and reading a lot more from the focussed time so probably done her good being off with us.

Opuntia Rubescens

Also known as the roadkill cactus from its flat shape. I bought this as my reward for the last RHS exam. It is replacing several small succulents on the kitchen windowsill. It has got to a bit cluttered so I decided I'd rather have fewer large plants. It's got a good sunny windowsill where it can be left and only occasionally watered.

Ceropegia woodii

String of hearts is a trailing plant that I've propagated several times since I got it a few years ago It roots in water then I pot it on. It trails down from the corner shelf in the back room. Every so often it needs a hair cut as it reaches the ground. It needs watering about once a week in summer and less so in winter so it's pretty minimal effort.

Tradescantia pallida

This was a 99p Morrisons purchase. I potted it on after purchasing and it has spread out well since then. I like the variegated leaves and the colours.

Kentia palm

This is looking a bit sorry for itself. I think this was partly underwatering and partly too low light.

It's been repositioned to try and put some life back into it.

Pilea peperomiodes

The Chinese money plant is a popular one currently and produces lots of offsets for potting on to pass onto other people.


I have a few aspidistras in the house and in the garden. The garden one has been badly attacked by slugs and snails this year. I could do with taking a clump out and growing it on inside. Aspidistras are generally regarded as dull as they don't really do anything but I quite like having a decent sized houseplant that doesn't require much care. It handles low light, minimal water. It can handle neglect.

It's half term now and between Ofsted inspections and balancing home learning with Alice I'm ready for a little time off. It's been a good half term with my class but I'd like to catch up on some garden jobs now. Hope you all enjoy your weekends and don't forget to check the founder of six on Saturday's blog to see more blogs.