To those who are getting into the spirit of things, Happy Halloween! Will you be trick-or-treating (or the related guising and souling), attending costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, participating in divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, or watching horror films? Or will you let the night pass you by? Whatever is on your agenda, have a safe time!

After almost a week of constant rain, it's great to wake up to dry conditions. Of course, I forgot the clocks went back last night. It didn't matter, though. We're still on 'cat' time--they were waiting for their breakfast.

Being from Michigan, I had quite an interest in the Michigan-Michigan State American football game played yesterday. It wasn't available for viewing here, but a friend kept me updated with the scores. Must have been a fantastic game as it went down to the end, with Michigan State coming out on top!

Here's this week's quote (Compliments of "Find out what you really love to do, and then find a way to make a good living doing it." ~ Napoleon Hill

So who was born on this date in history? Let's find out who in the writing world was born on October 31st, the fifth and last Sunday of the month. (Compliments of

Philippe de Vitry, French composer and poet; Caesar Baronius, Italian cardinal and historian; Denzil Holles, 1st Baron Holles, English statesman and writer; John Evelyn, English writer and diarist (Life of Mrs Godolphin); Christopher Anstey, English poet (The New Bath Guide); John Keats, English Romantic poet (Ode to a Grecian Urn); Hugh Boyle Ewing, American diplomat, author, attorney, and Brevet Major General (Union Army); Krišjānis Barons, Latvian writer; Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman, American writer (Revolt of Mother); Seerp Anema, Dutch poet and writer (Dutch Coasts); Napoleon Lapathiotis, Greek poet; B. H. Liddell Hart, English military historian and publicist (The Rommel Papers); Charles Drummond de Andrade, Brazilian poet (Claro Enigma); William H. McNeill, Canadian-born historian (Rise of the West); Dick Francis, British jockey and detective writer (Whip Hand, High Stakes); Charles Moore, British editor-in-chief (Sunday Telegraph); Neal Stephenson, American author; Arnaud Desplechin, French film director and screenwriter; and Joseph Boyden, Canadian novelist (Three Day Road).

Any names familiar to you? There were two for me: John Keats and Dick Francis. Whether you recognize anyone on the list or not, if today's your special day I hope you have a great one and many more to follow!

My Published Work

6 Novels

During October, Colombian Betrayal and Mission: Angola are participating in a promotion of the first books in a mystery or thriller series. I could only include two, so The Kurdish Connection missed out. There are thirty-eight books in this Kindle and paperback promotion, so why not stop by?

My first five novels are also participating in a Mystery & Suspense, Mystery & Suspense / Paranormal, and Mystery & Suspense / Thriller promotion, which runs until the middle of November. Revenge wasn't released in time to join this one. There are eight-one novels participating in this promotion, so you're bound to find something of interest.

And, finally, Revenge is participating in a promotion for Mystery & Suspense / Suspense and Romance / Suspense books released in October and November 2021. There are nineteen to choose from.

My Work in Progress

Slide1Work continued this week on Ultimate Escalation. Chapter seventeen is now finished and posted to the two online subscription writing sites I use.  A total of thirty chapter reviews came in this week, bringing the total to 360. Definitely some busy reviewers!

Here's another snippet:

Before daybreak the following morning, a small, motorized boat hugged the Pakistani shoreline and entered the Indus River Delta. A half-moon cast eerie shadows on the area notorious for its mix of swamps, streams, and mangrove forests. Vladimir, Vasily, Ajit, and four men armed with AK-47s remained alert for naval and army patrols. They cleared the delta and followed the twists and turns of the mighty waterway.

Vladimir swatted at a swarm of pesky mosquitos. "Explain again why we're going to the meeting this way?"

"Ah." Ajit grinned. "This is easier way. Many obstacles for the military. They don't like crawling through swamps, streams, and mangrove forests."

Easier for who?  "If you say so." He raised his brows as he glanced at Vasily.

With a tilt of his head, Vasily shrugged.

Hour after hour passed as they motored upriver. Once the sun rose, the temperature climbed, burning off the early-morning chill. The travelers remained silent, the peacefulness disturbed by the occasional calls of pigeons and parakeets and the continued putt-putt of the small engine.

As they approached Hyderabad, the pilot guided the boat toward a disused pier. Broken plants and tilted posts rocked as waves bounced against it. Two men dressed in brown shawal kameez and wearing multi-colored Sindhi caps waited on the small wharf.

After they secured the boat, Ajit was the first to step onto the dock. Sharing greetings with the two men, he pointed at the Russians. "This is Colonel Vladimir and Sergeant Vasily. They've come to meet with the council."

Both men nodded before assisting the others out of the boat. Once the pilot departed, the eight men walked along a path trampled in the grass to a white pickup truck with a tarp stretched on a high frame across the cargo area. An armed guard sat next to the driver.

Ajit, Vasily, and Vladimir climbed under the tarp into the truck bed, followed by the others.

Once the vehicle began its journey, Ajit handed small packages to Vladimir and Vasily. "False Canadian passports with your current photos. It'll be easier to pass through checkpoints with these instead of Russian documents." He handed each of them a larger envelope. "Letters of appointment to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Will help explain why foreigners are running around the country with armed escorts."

Vladimir opened the document to the photo page. Staring back at him, a picture taken over a year ago. He chuckled when he checked out his new name. "John Smith from Toronto, eh?  Good thing my English doesn't have a thick accent." He doesn't suspect we have access to multiple identities, but we'll use these.

"We thought about European passports but didn't have any blank ones." Ajit shrugged. "I'll introduce you to the council as Vladimir and Vasily, not the names on your new passports. It'll be several hours yet before we meet with them. The trip to Bahawalpur will take at least ten hours. It's six hundred seventy-seven kilometers, and I'm sure there will be additional military and police roadblocks after the recent uprising over Kashmir."

"What about patrol boats?" Vladimir glanced at Vasily.

Ajit shrugged. "Sometimes. But we have a surprise for them."


Ajit tapped the side of his nose and grinned. "It'll be a surprise for you, too. If it's not needed, I don't want to share."

More next time.

Books I'm Reading

I recently finished reading Extreme Prejudice: If you fear trouble, don't get into trouble (A Lambeth Group Group Thriller Book 9) by Gordon Bickerstaff. As with all of Gordon's thrillers, this one will keep you on the edge of your seat as you keep turning the pages to find out what happens. Join Zoe Tampsin and her compatriots as they try to squash a terrorist plot. Who will succeed? With a riveting plot, filled with plenty of twists and turns, as well as larger-than-life, if you're a thriller aficionado, this one's for you!

This brings us to an end for another week. I hope you found something of interest. If you have any suggestions for a topic you'd like to read about, please let me know. Until the next time, thank you for reading and hope you drop in again.

© Copyright 2021 Randall Krzak. All rights reserved