That was October. Blink and you missed it.

I enjoy writing these monthly posts and I enjoy reading other bloggers of a similar nature, because I'm quite nosey. The end of the month seems to be coming round quicker every time...2022 before we know it!

But let's enjoy where are for now , hey? This has been the month of pumpkin everything, darker evenings, crisp leaves and long walks. For me, it's also been the month of...


As always. I do love me a good Netflix show, and they delivered two autumnal, suitably seasonal series this month. Before I dive in, quick question: do you say season or series?

Kicked off the month with The Chestnut Man. This Danish procedural drama is dark and intriguing with a twist that neither I nor Mr THL saw coming, and a little song that you'll be humming for days. The plot centres on a series of murders and the murderer's curious calling card; a small figure made from chestnuts. This one was a slow burner for me, I was a few episodes in before I was hooked but it was worth staying the course for. If you watch it, let me know. Did you guess whodunnit?

After a full season of Scandi Noir and murder, we probably should have lightened the mood and gone for a comedy. But October being the month of Halloween, something dark and unsettling was called for. Cue, Midnight Mass.

Set within a small island community the plot centres around a charismatic new priest who arrives to deliver both hope and miracles...but at a cost. Being honest, the plot is a bit loose at times and a couple of episodes are filled with too long speeches that had me eye rolling but overall it's a good watch. And the characters are well enough written and cast that'll you root for some and rage against others. A good watch for the darker nights.


I love walking. It started out as necessity- it took me four attempts to pass my driving test. In the meantime, I did a whole lot of walking. These days, walking is a genuine passion. Autumn is my favourite walking season- the heat and humidity of Summer has faded, the Winter chill is yet to set in and the changing of seasons makes for some beautiful views. And of course, I always have company in the form of my little wolfy friend.

This month I've wandered canal side, along the coast and explored the streets of Southampton. Different walks, but all brilliant in their own way. While walking, I've also been giving Audible a go. And despite resisting the audiobook for ages, I'm hooked.

And Listening...

Audible. Audio books. These are not new things. I'm a late adopter, what can I say. Now I'm into audiobooks and podcasts, I'm really into them. I appreciate being able to listen rather than read. I've struggled to find time to sit and read over the past year or so and Audible has rekindled my passion for a well told tale.

This month that has included Thinking on My Feet from Kate Humble, and a memoir of childhood spent in Belfast and beyond by John Chambers. Great listens, both of them.


A bit of time travel into a war time tea time.

I'm a lover of history and all things vintage so an afternoon spent in the 1940's is right up my street. I loved spending a cosy Sunday afternoon with The History Wardrobe and delving into the world of the Land Girls, tea time on the ration and life in the 1940's kitchen.

I first discovered the History Wardrobe by going along to an event when we were posted up in North Yorkshire. It's a bit of a trek now I'm down South so I'm delighted that HW has decided to carry on creating online experiences alongside live events. They celebrate women's lives past and present through textiles and fashion, always with warmth and humour. An absolute pleasure every time.

And finally...

Pumpkins. Wouldn't be October without them, would it?

I'm glad Halloween means pumpkins now, I've tried explaining to my kids that we used to carve out a swede and how much hard work that was but they'll never know the horror. Anyway, swede or pumpkin my carving skills are slim to none so hooray for chalk paint.

It's the having a go that counts, right?

Wishing everyone a happy month ahead,

Helen x