New Places Means New Wildlife, one of the fun things about traveling is seeing new things that we don't get to see on a regular basis. Like this emerald green dragon fly. He was hanging onto the side of the RV today at a new park, so had to snap a couple of photos.

New Places Means New Wildlife
New Places Means New Wildlife

We finally got to see our first alligator as well. She is a beauty and at this small lake there are a few baby alligators popping their heads out of the water now and then. But they disapear fast, so you can only see their little noses in the water and then they are gone.

I mentioned the Osprey a few days ago. Well, we have been seeing it a few times this week and learning where it likes to hang out to eat its lunch. Here it has a fish in its claws enjoying lunch high up in a tree. I now know the call it makes as well so it is easyier to spot it.

New Places Means New Wildlife

New Places Means New Wildlife

by Sandra J