Let the community know!
The Willits News is happy to share your events and community news with the North County community. Increase your audience and participation by letting us spread the word! Make sure your community hears about your organization's activities. Send your event information to: editorial@willitsnews.com and we'll be happy to publish it for you absolutely free. It could be a benefit dinner, a concert, a theater event, anything you are inviting the general public to. Make sure to include the name of the event, the date, the time and the place. Add in whatever you think the public should know - does it benefit a local organization, is it a regular local happening, or are there special local community members involved? Include a photo from a previous event if you have one and you're done! Or, send us information about something your club or organization is doing. Maybe you're having a bake sale, or a spaghetti feed. Perhaps a class of school children went on a special field trip. Share your fun with your neighbors and community. For more information, email us at editorial@willitsnews.com.