This week, I was delighted to receive a certificate from the Outdoor Writers & Photographers Guild confirming that I had won the Award for Excellence 2021 (Digital Award) for this website, I wasn't able to be at the AGM weekend, so this was a wonderful surprise! Here are the full awards listings. Congratulations to all who were successful.

In 2019 I won the Award for Excellence (Outdoor/Travel Feature) for my TGO magazine feature 'Summits & Skylarks'. I'd entered several features for this year's awards, and only entered my website as an afterthought, which made the win all the more of a surprise. Still, I'm delighted. Here are the judges' comments in full.

This website is attractive, easy to use and simple to navigate with a very clear menu structure as well as a search function. It is a highly effective showcase for Alex Roddie's work and his editorial business. More than that, and of more interest to the OWPG and its membership, it also offers a wide range of advice and insights on equipment, photography and on engaging with the outdoors. As Roddie says on his home page, 'My work is all about the stories that matter: wildness, adventure, the environment, and our place in the world.'

What makes this site our clear winner is the high quality of its content and the enormous breadth of its scope, especially his writing. Alex Roddie writes historical, inspirational, polemical, educational and imaginative pieces with equal skill and illustrates his subject matter with a portfolio of high quality images.