When you're considering ways to make your home more sustainable, the initial costs of renovations and upgrades can be a real roadblock. Not only do some eco-friendly enhancements cost more than traditional alternatives, but they often require extensive installation and construction practices that add further expense. 

Fortunately, there are many ways you can implement sustainability in your own home without breaking your bank.

From using reclaimed materials to opting for energy-saving appliances that can save you money down the line, eco-friendly choices offer plenty of green that doesn't always come with a green price tag.

What is a sustainable home?

A sustainable home is a place where our needs are met without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. 

It is a house that reduces negative environmental impact by using energy-efficient systems and materials and maximizes positive environmental impacts through smart design.

It is also a house that makes us feel good – increasing durability, comfort and aesthetics.

For example, Reclaimed materials give your home old-world charm while saving you money. If you're looking for a vintage feel without the price tag of brand new flooring or furniture, consider using reclaimed items to furnish your space. 

5 incredible ways to save on cost and make your home sustainable:

Here are the 5 proven ways to make your home sustainable while saving on cost:

1. Go solar

If you're committed to minimizing your carbon footprint and adhering to the principles of green living, adding solar panels is one of the best ways to do it. Appliances, you can cut costs while still making your home more sustainable. 

If you're unwilling or unable to install new panels on your roof, another option is to buy solar-powered equipment.

By adding photovoltaic (PV) cells, for example, you can power outdoor lights and turn them into a security system that also advertises your environmental values.

2. Use recycled building materials

If you're planning to do any major remodelling or construction in your home, refurbished materials can save you money while helping reduce waste and pollution.

While downcycled options are generally more affordable than other green alternatives, they can still be costly compared with traditional items.

Therefore, if you're serious about saving money while remaining eco-friendly, consider using recycled building materials to improve your home's energy efficiency.

3. Install energy-efficient appliances

Replacing your dishwasher or refrigerator with a newer model is an unavoidable expense in any kitchen renovation. Still, there are ways you can make the process more eco-friendly without breaking the bank.  

For example, you can install a hybrid water heater that combines electric and solar power to reduce energy costs over time.

The initial investment is steeper than a traditional tank-style heater, but the long-term savings, if maintained on a regular basis can be well worth it if you plan on being in your home for years to come.

4. Go thrift store shopping

When you're looking to add eco-friendly elements and upgrade your home, one of the best ways to save money is to shop at thrift stores or Habitat for Humanity ReStores.

You can often find surprisingly high-quality items that cost far less than what you'd pay at a big box store like Home Depot.

While you need to do some serious digging to find gems, it's well worth the time and effort to renovate your space on the cheap.

5. Insulate your home

Beating winter chills is a year-round struggle in many parts of the country, but insulating your home can greatly impact keeping energy costs down and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs).

Not only do tighter building materials save on heating and cooling bills, but they can also help you sleep better at night. 

By sealing drafts throughout the house and adding a layer of soundproofing material between rooms, insulation is one of the most effective ways to reduce energy use without breaking the bank.

How can I make my home more sustainable?

Sustainability is not about living in a tent or giving up modern conveniences like electricity, running water and internet access.

Rather, it's about making small changes to your lifestyle that collectively serve as positive steps towards protecting the environment. For example:

  • Buy organic foods and household products made from natural materials. - Conserve water by taking shorter showers and washing only full loads of laundry. - Support local businesses to reduce the need for long-distance shipping.
  • Educate yourself on green living to influence others to do the same.


Homes are the place where we spend our good time. By using sustainable materials and high-efficiency appliances, your home can be an eco-friendly haven that saves you money over time. 

Reducing carbon footprint on the environment is everyone's responsibility. With little effort and expense, you can reduce your household energy use by up to 30 percent. 

If you care about our future, show respect for the earth by incorporating sustainable elements into your home. You'll create a warm and welcoming space while reducing GHGs and protecting natural resources for generations to come.