Oh my, I was saddened but not surprised by my reading numbers this month. It has been a month of being flexible, full of learning and spending time with my family. My son was here for the Labour Day weekend, and then we went out to see him for five days, so I read very little for almost two weeks. And that's how it should be - family first.

The biggest reason for my low numbers is starting a new job. The only job I said I would ever do after retiring would be to work for the Saskatoon Public Library. That became true in August when I accepted a position as Casual Service Associate. I began training mid-September and been busy learning and shadowing Library Service Associates. Readjusting to a regular week of work after not working for two years tuckered me out. It was so exciting to be around library people and see how the public libraries worked. I am fortunate to be a part of this dedicated, passionate group. My training will be complete by the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend, so my October numbers may lower too.  


I am looking forward to participating in our Fall Reading Challenge and sticking to some generic topics along with activities. I like the balance between the books and sharing the things we enjoy doing to get to know one another a little more. So yes excited to start this today, and you can find more details on the blog tomorrow.


Christie Megill and I hosted our first #VillagePageTurners online book chat. The first theme choice was 2021 Debuts, and the winning title was Christine Li's Clues to the Universe. We learned a few things from the chat. We want participants to choose the theme and the book each month, and it will take time because it is new, so we need to be patient. That said, we need to do a better job at promoting the chat. 

So learning lots and now swamped with all kinds of titles in various formats and looking forward to listening, taking in all those gorgeous fall colours and travelling via the Bit About Books Passport Reading Challenge. We will hunker down as the COVID numbers sadly rise here and hope to have family here for Thanksgiving.  

As always, I am ending off with books enjoyed in September, fewer than usual but including some anticipated reads as well.  What are you looking forward to the most in the fall?

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