The following is roughly an hour long workout that seeks to mobilize and activate tight and underactive muscles surrounding your knees, hips and shoulders. After about 25 minutes of mobility and stretching, there is 15-20 minutes of activation work with minibands. Once your muscles are fully activated, the workout concludes with 10-15 minutes of full body strength work that can be done either with body weight or a single dumbbell.

**Please remember to consult with your doctor before trying any of the following, to make sure that exercise is right for you! **


Supine Mobility → 2 x 20 s. Each

  • Knee to Chest w/ Ankle Rolls
  • Can Openers (L/R)
  • Glute Bridge + T-Spine Reach
  • Deadbugs

Quadruped Mobility → 2 x 20 s. Each

  • Hip Circles (Both Directions) (L/R)
  • T-Spine Extensions
  • Hip Rolls
  • Cat/Cows
  • Hockey Stretch (Tall/Low)
  • Pigeons + T-Spine Extension (L/R)
  • ½ Kneeling Adductor Stretch (L/R)
  • Push-Up Position Spider (L/R)

Standing Mobility → 2 x 20 s. Each

  • Forward A-Skip
  • Knee Hug + Quad Pull
  • Side On A-Skip
  • Toe Sweep
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Open the Gates
  • Seal Jacks
  • Close the Gates
  • Run in Place
  • Windmills
  • World's Greatest Stretch


A. 3 x 20 s. Each (Band Around Toes)

  • Ice Skaters
  • Lateral Walks (4 each way)
  • Marches
  • Squats

B. 2 x 12 s. Each -> 3 s. Pause* 

  • Back Burners

(T's/Y's/I's/W's/Palms Up/Palms Down)

C. 3 x 20 s. Each (Band Around Wrists)

  • 3-Way Seal Claps
  • Touchdowns
  • Iso Gator Chomp Hold (5 s. each)

D. 3 x 20 s. Each (Band Around Ankles)

  • Hop Scotches (Tall/Low)
  • Monster Walks
  • 2 in 2 out

Full Body Strength 2 x 20 s.ON/ 10 s OFF

  • Swing Lunge (L)
  • Squat [Jumps]
  • Swing Lunge (R )
  • Ice Skaters
  • Lateral Lunge + Curtsy Lunge (L)
  • Squat Position MB Row
  • Lateral Lunge + Curtsy Lunge (R )
  • Front Plank Elevators

If this workout interests you, please e-mail: for details on how to receive more information on individualized workouts! 

Yours in Fitness and Health,


Your Final Reward Will Be Heartache and Tears, If You've Cheated the Guy in the Glass.