Wayne has had two migraines in two days 😦 He manages to push past them after a few hours but they leave him out of sorts more and more. Barometric pressure, that's what I tell him but the doctor can address it this week as we have an appointment. My mom is moving this week. She's moving back to the town she grew up in so I guess you can say she's going full circle. I didn't reach any of my art goals for yesterday and today doesn't look good either so I'm just going to do the best I can, staying mindful in all I do. I want to experience the cooking, the chopping and slicing of the veggies. I want to do the laundry rolling the towels hotel style like I saw a video for and have been doing ever since. It takes a little longer but it keeps me mindful and it holds the towels in neat stacks of towel logs, we like it. I want to put so much positive energy into the art that I do work on today that it spills out into the fibers and inks and paints and words. I want to keep my peace and not steal anyone else's. I want to see the beauty in life, in the little things, as cliche as that sounds. I want to exhale.

I hope your day is beautiful. Meet me back here tomorrow! Hugs.